Saturday, February 9, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday

Here are my 7 Quick Takes Friday Saturday (thanks for your patience)
--- 1 ---
So after the first week of blogging, I didn’t do too well.  It’s been 11 days since I posted to my blog.  That’s not terrible, but it’s not great either cause I should be motivated since I just started.  Oh well, that’s probably how it will go.

--- 2 ---
I had my Formation for Ministry class on Monday night as usual, which was our second class on the Sacraments with Fr. Joe. I am really enjoying his lessons, he is so good at explaining things I could listen to him for hours.  (You can check out his blog here.) And if you are wondering what Formation for Ministry is, I have added a little explanation on a new tab here on my blog.  Feel free to check it out.

--- 3 ---
This week at work was filled with a bunch of new opportunities for me.  I am excited on one hand but feeling a little overwhelmed too.  There are a couple of new, big projects on the horizon that I will be in charge of implementing in the four health centers that I am now the coordinator of.  One of these projects is Patient Centered Medical Home and is easily a six to nine month implementation.  I’m sure I will have more to say as this gets underway.

--- 4 ---
{Warning - rant ahead, you just might want to skip this one}
I have been a fan of Greys Anatomy since the beginning and this week’s episode hit a sensitive spot for me, that is why I am writing about it.  The episode was mostly about the continued drama that the hospital is going to be sold to a private cooperation.  Over all, I think this is a great storyline; however one of the aspects that they included to show how bad changing the focus of a hospital from the patient to the business side included the use of Electronic Medical Records. Those of you who know me, know that that is my job.  I implement and support EMR systems in doctors’ offices.  My issue (bear with me for just a minute) is with the way it was portrayed in this episode, as a substitute for good patient care and doctors with brains.  (Example: You can’t ask about smoking until screen 2, oh no, I messed it up and have to start all over again)  Grey’s Anatomy has always been so good at getting the medical stuff right, and because of that, I am put off that they used the EMR in such a way that made it look like a bad tool instead of what it really could be.  I would have preferred they didn’t use the computers at all then put that out there. Anyhooo, back to reality, I really do know that Grey’s Anatomy is a TV show about doctors in a hospital.  The plot is that selling Seattle Grace is bad, so the computers were used as one little piece of the bad.  I get it, I just had to have my little rant.  (Thanks for listening, if ya did J)

--- 5 ---
Everyone needs people in their lives like a couple I have in mine.  I won’t mention names, but thank God I have them in my life.  They make me laugh when I need a laugh, and they make me happy when I am grumpy.  Each of them offer something that I need when I need it, maybe encouragement or maybe just a helping hand. I am so thankful to have them in my life.
--- 6 ---
And of course you all know about the Friday Snow storm we had.  I stopped along the way home and took some pictures, I thought you might like to see. 

It really is pretty…until you get home and you can’t even drive into your driveway.
Oh well, thanks to good neighbors for the temporary use of their driveway and a friend who gets us all plowed out after every big snow storm, my car was safe in the garage before too long.
--- 7 ---
And because of the snow storm, Hunters last computer class at Clarkson was postponed until next Saturday.  He really is enjoying it and doesn’t want it to end.  He would really like to continue learning more, but there just are not any other opportunities around here that I am aware of for a high school kid.
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. 1. Hooray for you as you join the blogosphere!! As a FT working mom (outside the home) and in my 40's, I find I just blog when I can..and it's far less than these young whipper snapper mom-blogs I follow. I've stop trying to keep up with them once I realized we are all in different seasons and blogging for me is a little I keep a notebook to jot down ideas and thoughts for later blogs...sometimes I even blog them!!
    4. As a CT tech in an outpatient imaging center and formerly in the hospital for years...I used to love Grey's, but a)I got tired of crying my eyes out each episode and b)I got tired of all the bed-hopping and predictable relationship drama....add in some of the straight un-truths of how hospitals REALLY function and I had to walk away. I did, however, watch an episode while visiting with my mom recently and....cried again...when Adele died and Miranda finally got married.
    6. Thank GOD for great neighbors!!!
    Blessings to you!

  2. Thanks for your encouragement, I think I am going to try your writing ideas down approach, I think that will work good for me.
    Anyway, I am glad you stopped by!


Ooohhh....So happy you are commenting!