Other than Amazon, I don't do a lot of online shopping.
But I remembered a couple things that I wanted to share.
It would be awesome if they got some sales from this too... :)
Anyway, the first one I am going to share is an Etsy store. She is a girl who was one of my best friends before I got married AND she sang at my wedding. I miss her beautiful face.
Her shop is HERE. And here are a couple of my favorites:
Another online shop that you should check out is here (DynamicCatholic.com) They supply free and low cost books for parishes and individuals also. These are a couple of my favorite:
And I have one more to share.
A bloggy friend, {Thanks Tracy}, got a lovely gift from Penny & A Wish. They are the cutest and you can design your own custom hand-stamped sterling silver jewelry. Here is their Facebook link and you can sign up for their newsletter.
Here is just a little sample of their stuff:
So fabulous. Love my Penny necklace, a treasured fave forever!!!