Friday, April 5, 2013

7 Quick Takes

7 quick takes sm1 Your 7 Quick Takes Toolkit!
It's procrastinator's week over at Conversion Diary, and I am usually one of the biggest procrastinators, however this week I am actually prepared first thing Friday morning. So here they are:

1.   Last weekend we were able to spend most of the day with both our kids and our daughter’s boyfriend.  We spent the day traveling, eating, shopping, and laughing. We also took a pit stop to see the new rescue helicopter that was on display for a training session. (These are the kind of perks we get with my husbands job) My kids crack me up, they can make each other laugh so much.  They are five years apart in age and really have completely different personalities, but they just get each other.  It was a really nice day and I was thankful for the time with all of us away from our normal daily hustle and bustle lives. 
These photos were from a different trip, but it's the way they always act in the back seat.
2.   I am thankful for my father in law.  My dryer has been on the fritz lately (2 cycles required for each load). The subject came up during Easter dinner and on Tuesday he was at my house fixing it.  He’s such a quiet man but does what he can for us, when he can, without a big fuss.
3.   This week we had a going away luncheon for my last boss who will be moving on to bigger and better opportunities. I am saddened that I will no longer have the opportunity to work with him.  I have learned a lot in the last five years. I have learned how to recognize qualities in myself from the trust that he has put in me on several big projects. I will miss him and the encouragement he has always given me, but I do wish him all the best in his new adventure.
4.   I had a nice conversation this week with a friend who I don’t see too often anymore.  Our daughters went to school together and played several sports together but since they have graduated, we don’t see each other often.  It was nice to talk to her and catch up.
5.   We are getting our cell phones switched to Verizon this weekend and because we are switching carriers I have to get a new phone. The problem is that I am still unsure of what I want to get. I thought I had my mind made up on getting the Samsung Galaxy S3 but I have had a Blackberry for the last two years and trying to figure out if I want to stay with a Blackberry.  There are fewer options for apps for blackberry but I think it is more secure.  I don’t know what I am going to do, it will probably come down to a last minute decision, knowing me.
6.   I discovered a great new blog this week.  I am just getting to know Sybil at Peace it all Together but so far so good, you can check her out here.
7.   How did you do with your Lenten sacrifices/commitments?  I did quite well and had a spiritually charged Lent.  The only thing that I really failed at was that I wanted to finish reading C. S. Lewis’s Screwtape Letters.  I didn’t make any more progress on that than I was at pre-lent.  I did however make it the entire forty days without a bite of mac and cheese, and I read almost every day from the Lenten devotion book given to us by our parish.  I made it to daily Mass at least once every week and even a couple Masses some weeks. I attended all three Triduum services, getting my feet washed on Holy Thursday and reading the first reading at the Easter Vigil (which was my twelfth Catholic anniversary).
:)   One last little bit, I'm jumping in the bloglovin so please show me some love by clicking on the icon toward the top at the right. Thanks!
Go on over and see all the betters at Jen's!


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